It's good to read a story like this every now and again just to remind yourself how bad it is in some places.
Two Weeks Notice
I'm not sure how to file this... humor? Misc? Anti-agile? I'll go with humor.
What happens when a Corvette and an El Camino have a baby?
The El Cormino, of course!
Cobertura has an Eclipse plugin, but it's suffering from neglect. So I'm putting a small bounty on it. $250 to the person who gets it back up and running.
My requirements for the plugin?
-Runs Cobertura from within Eclipse
-Highlights your tested and untested source code
-It'd have to run to one of the core committer's satisfaction. When they're happy, I'll mail you a check. It's not a ton of money, but it's a few dollars.
There you go... there's a file in the build ( that'd make a fine starting point.
Given that so many people at are Java One this week, it might be a bad time to announce this... on the other hand, with so many people busy, it might be ~your~ chance to get a head start. :)