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Jared Richardson’s talk titled “Build Teams, not Products,” in particular, was one of the best presentations I’ve ever witnessed. It was just one of those talks where all the points seem tautologic...
-Yev Bronshteyn
Ship It! is part manual of best practices, part software methodologies book and part a distillation of ideas and experiences of good and bad projects that the authors have been involved in. It migh...
-Tech Book Report
They have gathered together the ‘best bits’ of various styles and methodologies they have been directly involved with, and combined them into a practical approach with the focus on delivering a pro...
-Mitch Wheat

Agile Thinkers Interview (Feb 25)
Clarke Ching has conducted email interviews of a number of personalities in the agile space and he's publishing them a few at a time. So far he's got interviews from Johanna Rothman, Jim Shore, Shane Warden, and me.

My page is here.


Category: Agile

Andy Hunt's latest book, Refactor Your Wetware: Pragmatic Thinking and Learning (Feb 22)
Many of you have heard Andy Hunt's various talks over the last few years about improving the raw material of programming... that stuff in our heads. If you've heard my talks you've probably heard me mention topics like the Dreyfus learning model or mind mapping. Both of these topics come from Andy's talks and are covered in depth in this new book.

I was an early reviewer of the book and I think Andy's got another winner on his hands. The book talks about how our brains work and then covers practical topics for improving and tapping the potential we all have. Everyone I know who's heard Andy give one of the talks in the 'Wetware' series comes away with new ideas to try out.

Enough of a plug. I really like the book and the material. It's now in beta. I strongly encourage you to check this one out.

Refactor Your Wetware: Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

Category: Books

Win Free Tickets to a NFJS Near You (Feb 12)
The popular No Fluff Just Stuff Java Symposium travels all the United States and Canada. I spoke at 20 events last year and didn't speak at all of them. The odds are good that one will be within driving distance of you this year.

I just noticed that Atlassian is giving away one pass per event. Check out the blog entry and crank up your mad haiku writing skills.

Win Tickets to No Fluff Just Stuff.

Good luck!

Category: Misc

Scott Davis Interview Posted (Feb 12)
I've started a series of video shorts on the 6th Sense blog. The first one is finally posted and features Scott Davis.

Scott Davis interview

There'll be more posted soon. I'm asking people what they think developers need to focus on in the next year to stay on top of game and what's their favorite career tip.

Category: Misc

Great Article on Effective Web Design (Feb 11)
I found this on Reddit and it's worth passing on.

10 Principals of Effective Web Design.

It's more about effective GUI design than web design and deals with ideas like making the interface as simple as possible, not making the user figure anything out, and so on.

Well worth a read.

Category: Misc

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