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Jared Richardson’s talk titled “Build Teams, not Products,” in particular, was one of the best presentations I’ve ever witnessed. It was just one of those talks where all the points seem tautologic...
-Yev Bronshteyn
If your shop has trouble shipping quality software on time -- and let's face it, most do -- then this book is for you. If you're a manager, I'd say that doubly so.
-Ernest Friedman-Hill "JavaRanch Sheriff"
I was amazed that these five chapters only take about 160 pages and yet tell you all you need to know about successful projects. I’ve experienced a lot of these problems myself, and so did/do you, ...

A Little Crazy Even For Me (May 22)

While reviewing my travel schedule for the No Fluff symposiums I noticed I was double booked for the weekend of August 3.

Then I realized that the individual talks didn't overlap. I'm giving six talks in Wisconsin on Friday and Saturday at the Northern Wisconsin Software Symposium, and then four more talks on Sunday at the Central Iowa Software Symposium.

When I asked Jay Zimmerman about it, I got this reply:

Yes, you will experience a 1st. Friday/Saturday in Green Bay with a quick flight to Des Moines Saturday night speaking on Sunday and back to RTP Sunday night. What a deal! :-)

So from OSCON in Portland the week of July 23 to the Desert Southwest Software Symposium in Phoenix on July 27 to Ship It! LIVE on July 30 in Reston to the Northern Wisconsin and Central Iowa NFJS's the weekend of August 3.


Category: Misc

Does This Mean I'm Old? (May 21)
Dave Thomas had a bit of fun in his RailsConf closing keynote. :) He was spoofing the Ruby Chicks site I think...

Ruby Middle Aged White Guys.

Middle age has come earlier than I thought it would!

Category: Rails

Erlang, the video (May 20)
Erlang is a very cool functional language. It has a funny introductory video that keeps coming up at RailsConf. Mike Clark blogged on it last year but (apparently) a ton of people haven't seen it yet.

Here's the direct link to the video.

Also, there's a Pragmatic Programmer book on the subject of Erlang called Programming Erlang. It's in beta at the moment, but worth checking out.

Why do people care about Erlang? Because it's a functional language, when you code an algorithm it can scale across cores or machines without you having to write threaded code. In the coming world, with it's tons of multi-core machines, this is going to be a very important language trait.

You can read more about Erlang and get a quick intro on Dave Thomas' blog. Start with his A First Erlang Program post.

Update: I just noticed the Erlang Programming Contest. The physical prize is only a book, but you just can't put a price tag on Eternal Fame and Glory!! ;)

Category: Misc

RailsConf 2007 Slides Page (May 20)
If you didn't make it out, read 'em and weep. ;)

Rails Conf 2007 Presentations

Category: Rails

Changing the World... What He Said (May 20)
Just read it.

Chad's Blog

Category: Misc

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