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It's rare to have this much fun reading a book about software. The ideas are smart, relevant, and fundamental. I can be a better programmer today because of the things I read today.
-Joe Fair
Jared Richardson’s talk titled “Build Teams, not Products,” in particular, was one of the best presentations I’ve ever witnessed. It was just one of those talks where all the points seem tautologic...
-Yev Bronshteyn
More practical advice from the pragmatic crew. This is another excellent book from the guys at Pragmatic. In this book Jared and William cover pragmatic project management with down to earth advic...
-Jack D. Herrington

The iPhone (and Tech Toys) in Perspective (Jul 11)
Ouch. I feel guilty.

The Joy of Tech on 3G iPhones

Category: Misc

Server Side is Where Java Shines (Jul 9)
I was interviewed by Carl Williams via email a few months ago. He's interviewed a few other people as well and put together a short interview piece. It's an interesting mix of perspectives.

Java Experts: Server Side is Where Java Shines

Category: Java

The Agile It! Experience (Jul 1)
The Agile It! Experience (aka Agile ITX) finished up this weekend and was a great success. The speakers were all top rate. The audience was educated and engaged. We had great interactions and great questions. I brought my daughter Hannah along and she walked the fine line between entertaining the audience without annoying them. Other than me bashing my head into the side of the swimming pool (ouch!) and having too many managers (and not enough management related talks), I can't think of a thing that wasn't stellar. Next time I'll bring goggles to the pool, and I can guaranty we'll have the management track topped out next time around.

Here are a few related links summing up the conference:

David Bock from a speaker's point of view:
Agile IT Exchange Conference

And Mike Witter's attendee point of view:
Agile IT Experience… 5 closing thoughts

Here's our expert panel discussion. I got to emcee a blue ribbon panel taking questions from attendees. It was late in the evening and I ended it about 8 pm, but it's good stuff.
Agile IT Experience 2008 Panel Discussion - Agile Marketing, Culture, Jokes

The entire conference went extremely well... and you'll be seeing more of them in the future.

Category: Agile

Ruby in the Enterprise: eRubyCon (Jul 1)
For those of you who are wondering if Ruby is enterprise worthy, then eRubyCon is for you. The speaker list is a "Who's who" of Ruby development and a stellar slate for any conference.
If you're into Ruby or Rails, I strongly encourage you to check out this event.

Category: Ruby

Continuous Integration: Fewer Bugs, Less Work (Jun 30)
Jennette Mullaney was kind enough to attend my talk Continuous Integration, The Cornerstone of a Great Shop talk in Las Vegas. We spoke for a bit afterwards and she put it all together into a nice interview.

Continuous integration reduces bugs, increases productivity


Category: Agile

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