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The development of software is an intrinsically creative process. We are dedicated to improving our mastery of the art.
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..."Ship It!" is in the style of the other Pragmatic books and is an easy and focused read. I finished it in two days and have already gained a wealth of insight that I can apply immediately. Hig...
-Anil John
That's got to be one of the *best* choice of title since the Mythical Man Month!!
-Kenneth Sizer
Quoting Watts Humphrey, "Developers are caught in a victim's mentality." We never think it's our fault, it's always somebody else's.
-Jared Richardson

Bill's Last Day (Jan 24)
If you haven't seen the video, check out Bill Gate's Last Day. It's great!

Hat tip to Ted Neward for this one.

Category: Misc

New 6th Sense Technical Blog: Grails, Hibernate, etc (Jan 9)
We started an internal blog at 6th Sense to discuss technical problems and their solutions. It's just a few Grails and Hibernate posts at the moment but it'll grow over time. Check us out at 6SA Development Topics to watch for in the future should include more "in process" debugging and discussions about our migration from BEA to Glassfish for our production application.

Category: Java

GMail Hacked: Check Your Filters (Dec 26)
I read this article on Digg but it needs to be spread as far and wide as possible. There was apparently a GMail exploit in the wild that let someone hijack your email. This guy lost his domain over it!

WARNING: Google's GMAIL Security Failure Leaves My Business Sabotaged

The very short version is that you should check your GMail filters NOW to see if you have any stray entries in there.

UPDATE: Enough people helped to spread the word and contacted that they got involved and David got his domain back! Details here.

Category: Misc

Congrats to Release It! (Dec 24)
Release It! is now a Jolt finalist! Congratulations to Michael for an excellent book getting well-deserved accolades.

Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software on the new Pragmatic site.

The Jolt finalists

Category: Books

Stay At Home Servers: Your Geek Christmas Present (Dec 24)
This is a great page if you're looking for a laugh during the holiday season. Don't miss the book at the bottom right. The Colbert clone isn't bad either.

Stay At Home Servers: America's Talking

This is an ad for Microsoft's server solution, but don't forget the Linux alternative if you're cheap like me. :) There's Kubuntu, Centos, and much more out there.

Looking for a last minute present for your favorite geek? Go buy him or her a cheap new box to use for an at home server. Don't forget to bundle in a nice big disk for a network share too!

Hat tip to Ted Neward for the link!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone.

Category: Misc

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