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.. it is a really special feeling when you give someone a book and it changes the way they think and act. So I'm really pleased to have just finished reading a book that I know I'll be handing out ...
-Jeffery Fredrick |
..."Ship It!" is in the style of the other Pragmatic books and is an easy and focused read. I finished it in two days and have already gained a wealth of insight that I can apply immediately. Hig...
-Anil John |
Ship It! is part manual of best practices, part software methodologies book and part a distillation of ideas and experiences of good and bad projects that the authors have been involved in. It migh...
-Tech Book Report |
I'll be talking about keeping your skills current at this conference for independent web developers
This world-class conference in Orlando always has a great mix of speakers and attendees. Don't miss it!
I'm back in Charlotte to speak on practical test automation and an introduction to agile. Come see this fun event with a great cast of speakers!
This excellent event is being hosted at a botanical garden. Come here some incredible speakers at an awesome venue.
I'm revisiting the Practical Test Automation topic. Here's a hint: bring your developers!
I'll be returning to Orlando to give my "Continuous Integration: Cornerstone of a Great Shop" class again.
IndieConf is a dynamic event for independent professionals. I'll be teaching you how to speak in public. :)