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..."Ship It!" is in the style of the other Pragmatic books and is an easy and focused read. I finished it in two days and have already gained a wealth of insight that I can apply immediately. Hig...
-Anil John |
Quoting Watts Humphrey, "Developers are caught in a victim's mentality." We never think it's our fault, it's always somebody else's.
-Jared Richardson |
They have gathered together the ‘best bits’ of various styles and methodologies they have been directly involved with, and combined them into a practical approach with the focus on delivering a pro...
-Mitch Wheat |

(Aug 26)
The first scheduled class for the NFJS One venture is now official! And we don't even have the website live yet. :)
This class will be a good mix of the "Why" as well as the "How". The goal is for you to leave the class with a different perspective on test automation as well as the practical tools to be effective. The target audience is developers who want to understand how test automation can help them, as well testers who want to dive. We'll cover enough material that a coding background isn't required, but you'll get more out of it if you do.
Register here.
Here's the course description.
Good test automation is like a good exercise routine. We all know we should have one, but most of us don't. This class provides the tools and information you need to jump start your testing efforts. We'll show you what's worked for us and how we've used test automation to keep projects on time and under budget while making developers and testers more effective.
A solid testing effort shortens the debugging cycle for developers, frees interactive testers up for more involved testing, and prevents bug regressions from derailing your project.
Make sure and register today for the Test Automation Training course offered by Jared Richardson & No Fluff Just Stuff on October 8-10th.
Training Session: Test Automation Training by Jared Richardson
Dates: October 8-10, 9:00 - 5:00 PM Wednesday - Friday
Location: Chantilly, VA
Venue: Hyatt Place - Dulles South
Pricing: $1,450/person, Special $50 UG Discount (use promo code:nfjsone50ug)
Early Bird: Above price good thru 9/26/08, after $1600/person
Registration Fee: Includes 3 Day Training, workbook, wireless internet, beverages & lunch daily
Requirement: You will need to provide your own laptop for the course.
Sponsored by: No Fluff Just Stuff -
Topics covered in the class include:
- Proven test coverage strategies you can use today
- Hands on training with several popular free testing tools
- Best practices for creating solid tests that run on your desktop and the server
- Unit, package, Mock Client, and integration testing
- How to make testing a normal part of your team's ecosystem
- The role of continuous integration in testing
- The proper role of test coverage metrics
- Static code analysis as part of the testing process
- Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) as a testing tool
- Creating and re-staging your test environment
- Using machine virtualization to manage your testing environments
This class balances the practices and the principles to give you the tools you need as well as an understanding of why you should use them.
Day One
Testing strategies: creating culture and easy wins
Continuous Integration with Cruise Control
JUnit: An introduction
Practical unit testing
Test coverage with Cobertura
Day Two
Package level testing
Mock client testing
Environment re-staging with Ant and dbUnit
Mocking versus live code
Static code analysis with FindBugs and CPD
Day Three
Testing web UIs with Selenium
Creating robust GUI tests
DSLs leverage your testing expertise
Shared resource rules
Fearless change: testing and refactoring
Virtual Machines to manage environments with Virtual Box
Category: Misc