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The development of software is an intrinsically creative process. We are dedicated to improving our mastery of the art.
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...It would be really nice if, as an industry, we could stop being such a bunch of screwed-up clowns and start living up to our potential. Ship It! is one of the things that could help, if only tho...
-Mike Gunderloy
Jared Richardson’s talk titled “Build Teams, not Products,” in particular, was one of the best presentations I’ve ever witnessed. It was just one of those talks where all the points seem tautologic...
-Yev Bronshteyn
It's rare to have this much fun reading a book about software. The ideas are smart, relevant, and fundamental. I can be a better programmer today because of the things I read today.
-Joe Fair

Stepped Down As the Agile Zone Leader at DZone (Jun 18)
I twittered and posted on FaceBook about stepping down and several people have pinged me privately to ask why. There's no big secret in it... I'm staying really, really busy these days. Let me walk you through it.

I'm commuting weekly to Columbus, Ohio. There are no direct flights, so it's 5+ hours on planes, in airports, waiting for thunderstorms to disperse, or it's an 8 hour drive. I've been driving (which is much more fun than small seats in regional jets.)

In Columbus (actually Dublin, Ohio), I'm working with a company that's making the jump from a traditional model to an Agile software process. We're working with developers, testers, support, sales, leadership, and more. It's a very fun and very rewarding engagement, but it's also very involved and requires long hours some days. Agile transformations are hard work, but really fun too.

I've started sketching out a new book... I'm leaning towards a quilting or alchemy metaphor, but it will be a book on how to blend various Agile approaches into a great working process that fits your company.

I've not done a decent job blogging on Agile Artisans in a while...

You get the idea. I'm staying really busy and something had to give... it ended up being DZone. It's a great site and if you're looking for a great platform with an international audience, DZone needs a new Agile Zone Leader. They'll keep you busy (three articles a week!), but it's a great way to force yourself to write.

I'll post another blog entry in a moment with a number of posts to my DZone writing.

Category: Agile

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