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More practical advice from the pragmatic crew. This is another excellent book from the guys at Pragmatic. In this book Jared and William cover pragmatic project management with down to earth advic...
-Jack D. Herrington
It's rare to have this much fun reading a book about software. The ideas are smart, relevant, and fundamental. I can be a better programmer today because of the things I read today.
-Joe Fair
..."Ship It!" is in the style of the other Pragmatic books and is an easy and focused read. I finished it in two days and have already gained a wealth of insight that I can apply immediately. Hig...
-Anil John

High Performance Rails (Aug 28)
Your first step to application tuning should always be to measure, then tune. Start with the application, then work your way down.

But when you do start moving down to tune your Rails stack, how do you proceed? This write up does a pretty good job of showing you some great options.

Testing Various Configurations of Rails, Merb, Swiftiply, and Nginx

From memcached to Nginx to evented mogrels, there are some good bits in here. I'm not sure I'm ready to rewrite my Rails app in Merb... but if you don't learn a bit about it, you'll never know if it suits your next app.

Btw, memcached isn't a Ruby/Rails only technology. Check it out for your Java/PHP/etc app as well.

Category: Rails

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