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The development of software is an intrinsically creative process. We are dedicated to improving our mastery of the art.
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...Much like the Mac, this book “just works”, because it takes the best from lessons learned from team leaders and team players and takes the mystery out of the project management processes as appl...
-Robert Pritchett
Even though our group was already following many of the practices outlined in Ship It!, I believe the book paid for itself within the first day of purchase. When one considers the burn rate of a ty...
-Steve Mitchell
Quoting Watts Humphrey, "Developers are caught in a victim's mentality." We never think it's our fault, it's always somebody else's.
-Jared Richardson

An Overview of Agile Testing (Dec 4)
Tuesday the 5th Megan Sumrell will be speaking at Agile RTP about Agile testing methods. If you're in RTP, NC, you should consider coming out to hear it. She's an excellent speaker who's working in a strong Agile shop. There'll be lessons for both developers and testers tonight.

An Overview of Agile Testing

Do you work on a team that has trouble keeping up to date? Do you spend too much time in the debuger? Too many evenings and weekends fixing bugs? Do issues keep coming back? If so, you're probably missing some of the huge benefits that a great testing strategy can provide. Come out and hear Megan present a tester's point of view on Agile testing and pick up some strategies for your own shop.

I hate to miss this one but I'll be in Orlando speaking at the Agile Development Practices Conference.

Busy week!

Category: Agile

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