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I haven't had the chance to read and review any books from the Pragmatic Programmers series. I decided to change that with the book Ship It! - A Practical Guide to Successful Software Projects by ...
-Thomas "Duffbert" Duff |
Even though our group was already following many of the practices outlined in Ship It!, I believe the book paid for itself within the first day of purchase. When one considers the burn rate of a ty...
-Steve Mitchell |
That's got to be one of the *best* choice of title since the Mythical Man Month!!
-Kenneth Sizer |

(Jan 18)
To help drive public awareness of SOPA, a very bad piece of legislation, this site is shut down today. Visiting the main page will direct you to after 5 seconds.
You can also read about this at Pragmatic, my publisher's url. They, just like Google, Wikipedia, and countless other sites, are trying to be sure everyone understands the legislation we're in danger of seeing passed.
Category: Misc
(Nov 22)
Last Saturday I was privileged to be one of the IndieConf speakers. If you missed it, it's a great conference that has both technical and infrastructure topics ranging from marketing to budgeting to CSS. I think it's a great event for both full timers and independents... but I digress. :)
My talk was more of a workshop. We covered a number of essential public speaking tips, then practiced. I really wish we'd had more time, but it's a fun talk to give and the audience was very engaged. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Here are the slides I used: Public Speaking 101.
Damond Nolan attended and blogged on key points from a number of sessions, including mine. You can see the list of sessions here. Click through to my talk and see me pointing to an invisible object. ;)
He also posted a number of his IndieConf pix.
For those of you in my talk, the coach I mentioned (more than once) is Alan Hoffler. You can find him at MillsWyck Communications. He's the best coach of this type I've ever worked with and he's got a number of reasonably priced events coming up.
Category: Misc
(Nov 9)
I'd updated my slides after they were submitted for the conference CD, so I told the attendees I'd post the version as presented.
Continuous Integration: The Sign of a Great Shop>
Category: Agile
(Oct 18)
I'm very pleased to account that in two weeks I'll be joining the very talented team of software craftsmen at RoleModel Software.
Ken Auer, the founder and leader of RoleModel, has been a presence in RTP software for years. I first met Ken in the mid (maybe early?) 90s and have seen a steady stream of top notch developers working with him since he started RoleModel in 1997. He also recently launched the Software Craftsmanship Academy which will be creating a new generation of Software Craftsmen in 2012 and has many great companies lining up to provide internships for its graduates. I'll have a front row seat for the first iteration of that as well.
RoleModel provides software development services… we'll take your ideas and make them come alive. Our team has a wide range of expertise, including legacy application migration, and writing custom software, particularly of the web and mobile application type. You can read more here.
I'm very excited to make this move and I'm looking forward to working with, and learning from, the team at RoleModel. It's been several years since I've spent real time working in Rails and I can't wait to start back in again.
Category: Personal
(Aug 24)
Lean Dog is bringing their Acceptance Test Driven Development class to RTP and I wanted to remind you to share this with your organization. It's targeted at QA professionals and junior developers. It starts at a fairly basic level, but the concepts are powerful. It's on Sept. 12-16, 2011 so don't wait to sign up.
Acceptance Test Driven Development
The Lean Dog team has a ~great~ reputation and I'm hoping we generate enough turnout for the class to be a success.
Category: Agile